Monday, July 18, 2005

Spring and Port Wine #2

I took my Spring and Port Wine trip to Bolton today and took pictures of the steps leading up to Grisdale Road from Herob Street and also Grisdale Road as well.

...................Well done

I tried to match them as closely as possible to the stills you used on the site.

.................Very necessary

I also photographed Woodside Place which is where the Gorse Steps are. Again I tried to match it to your stills and I also took some tongue in cheek pics of the step that James Mason is standing on in your still photo as he goes down the steps.

................Good, but whose tongue in whose cheek? Nudge, nudge, wink, wink.

I will try and find a way of scanning the pics. All in all I should have photos of:
- the road outside Maryon Park that was used in Antonioni's Blow Up, but now changed beyond recognition, I couldn't find any buildings that I could identify.
- the London road where Jack Nicholson's house was in another Antonioni film, The Passenger.

..............My Halliwell says its all about Africa and the desert!!! Tell me more please. Have you got a copy that I can swop for something?

- the road that was used for the school at the start of The Offence.

.................Sounds good, and again is there a copy for swops?

- the 'flat block marina' walkway where Alex attacked his droogs in A Clockwork Orange.

...............Thamesmead, good one.

- the road in Bristol where Alan Bates lived in A Day in the Death of Joe Egg.

...............In my copy of the film I could never get a shot where there were film stars actually in shot with identifiable backgrounds.

In some cases I will have more than one and sometimes several photos.

...................all the better

I can take a photo of Piccadilly Gardens in Manchester and hopefully that will match with the still of Julie Christie's entrance in Billy Liar. It may be difficult to compare because the area has changed a lot even in the last few years.

.................good, and try hard.

Hopefully that pic alone might earn me 10 quid; hint, hint....

................hopefully several of the pics will earn you a tenner.

I also have a photo of the Salford house where Albert Finney was born but as it was not used in a film (well not to my knowledge anyway) I doubt it qualifies!!, it doesnt qualify, but we can put it on site with a credit to you. All these things, after all are of interest.

Best wishes, David

P.S. How did you find out that the steps leading up to the house in Spring and Port Wine were between 51 and 53 Grisdale Road? That's exactly right!!

.....................on the website that is mentioned on the page.

I'm surprised that whoever knew this didn't take photos.

..................Well, there's nowt so queer as folk.
How are you managing to zoom around the country? Hellicopter?
