Un giorno nella vita
I know this is a bit of a long shot but I was wondering if you could help me track down a copy of an Italian fim called Un giorno nella vita directed by Alessandro Blasetti and released in 1946.
Sorry, no.
My late father took part in this film (presumably as an extra) when he was in the British army in Rome at the end of the war. He is prominent in some of the publicity stills which I have. Do you know of any video outlet or fim society which might be able to help me find a copy?
Again, sorry, no.
I would be very grateful for any help.
How about writing an article on your Dad, the film etc etc, with photos etc and we'll place it on site?
Best wishes
Alan Walker, Balkan Books, London
A loyal and humble subscriber to Reelstreets
..............a tug of the forelock is sufficient!

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