The Blue Lamp
I have not had much time to do a great deal of sleuthing but I have had a look at one of my favourite older films, The Blue Lamp, and have one suggested amendment:
BP 074 The Blue Lamp
The image was photographed from a crane or scaffold (maybe on top of a pub) high above Ladbroke Grove, junc of Barbly Road W10, almost over the railway bridge - facing south:
This is someway north of the Lancaster Road area suggested by your caption. The island has been replaced by a modern mini-roundabout.
The stills image isn't too helpful when identifying this location, but if you watch the film, the camera films a Police car hesitating at that junction before speeding(!?) away down Ladbroke Grove. As it does so, the camera pans slightly to the right as it follows the car down the Grove and I am 101% sure of this location.
Today, this location has changed considerably. In this aerial image courtesy of MSN Maps where I have drawn the old route of the roads concerned.

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