Billy Liar
Hello John
It seems we both had our Billy Liar Q&A letters published in the Daily Mail yesterday - I thought you might like a copy of the original unedited piece. Love your site by the way - must join up some time!
Roger Hopkins
To Daily Mail Questions & Answers
Dear Sir
Billy Liar Locations
In my first job as a stills photographer on the movie Far From The Madding Crowd, I was able to talk extensively with director John Schlesinger about the locations he used for his earlier film Billy Liar. Schlesinger clearly loved to talk about the movie, and about the Bradford and Baildon locations in Yorkshire where the film was shot. Since the film's release in 1963, the Billy Liar location trail has become somewhat famous and is actively promoted as a tourist attraction by the Bradford City Council. Furthermore, the superb American Criterion Collection, have released the ultimate special edition DVD of Billy Liar, in which Schlesinger discusses the film in great detail, and writers Keith Waterhouse and Willis Hall revisit all the locations. There are many websites about Billy Liar, but the most complete "then & now" record of its locations can be found at the "Reel Streets" website which is dedicated to recording the locations of British made films. The very extensive Billy Liar page is at:
Yours sincerely
Roger Hopkins

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