Monday, March 23, 2009

On The Buses

It's later than one of Stan's buses, but I can now confirm that this years ON THE BUSES event will be held at Elstree Film Studios on Saturday 27th June. As it is the 40th celebration it is hoped the event is going to be a bit special. Also for the first time we will be including a buffet lunch.

For this event please contact for details how to order your ON THE BUSES tickets. Please note due to interest shown it is expected tickets will sell out fast, book now to avoid disappointment, places are limited. £30.00 per adult £15.00 per child, full details will be available soon.

You will notice the web site is now .COM and not (The old site is no longer available) so just click on the link for a preview.
It will be around 100 pages taking you on a trip down memory lane.

If you had my link to the old site please update it to .com. If you have a buses or TV comedy related site and would like to exchange links, email me with a line or two about your site and a link.

If you have friends who visited the old site please let them know about the new one.

Look forward to welcoming you back onboard and until next time DING DING


'ON THE BUSES' never goes out of fashion)Theatre Royal Onwards Theatre Royal Onward is a Company Limited by Guarantee, Company No. 4223449. Registered with the Charity Commission No:1091964