Perhaps we better explain what this site is all about, just in case you hadn’t realised.
Film locations, film locations and film locations. Run by unpaid enthusiasts for your benefit.
You will see from the home page that we have some 500 films on line, and that has taken us about seven years hard labour. No pay, no rewards, no free dinners, no awards and no accolades.
You will also see that we have more than 370 films waiting to be loaded, so at the slow rate that we work, this will take about another 5 years!
So, for you to jump the queue and have your favourite film loaded YOU need to do most of the work, leave it all to us and you go at the back of the line, and wait perhaps five years…....
So, how do you start to load your films………..how about reading “How To Submit” on our home page, and, what is more, as far as humanly possible, following the instructions.
As for us following up all the leads, references and sites that you kindly offer, until we’ve done the next 300 films there really is no time available. You have the interest in these specific films, and maybe a bit of time to do the research, so pull the pics and information, collate it all and add it to ReelStreets.
Yes, we know you aren’t technical, and it seems a chore to follow our directions, but we can’t do the work for you until…….maybe 2016! So, now you know, if you can help to load your favourites, then welcome aboard, if not, lie back and wait…….. for up to five years. Your choice.
Who is the techie who helps you when you screw up your computer? He, or she, will know what to do, enlist their help if you are really keen to see “your” film on site. Or even speak to the kids in the library or local computer shop, they’ll know what to do.
But seriously, we do hope you’ll give us a hand to further increase the scope of the site, with a film or two of your choice, …………..and jump the queue.
Next film in line is The Secret of Santa Vittoria, Italy, Anticoli Corrado, near Roma……..soon to be brought to your computers, in living colour………stay tuned!

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