Tuesday, July 10, 2012


The 16th year of festivities in this tiny and delightful walled hilltop city. One of the ten most beautiful towns in Italy. This year Ralph Fiennes is being presented with the Keys to the City for his contributions to world cinematography. The Italian cinema has had innumerable international successes in the last 60 years, and many of them are examined in detail on the site www.reelstreets.com where the locations are discovered and comparative then and now photographs show the changes in architecture, street furniture, vehicles, clothes, styles and food and feeding habits, a celluloid social survey. The accommodations offered at www.villamoscatelli.com and www.lapreghiera.com are of an excellent standard, and are only some 12km distant, and for a really long stay the properties at Palazetto, on the site www.propertiesumbria.com are worth investigating, and are only some two km from the town centre of Montone. Films, spaghetti, wine, sunshine and classical Italian countryside hospitality will make this Umbrian Film Festival another classic.