Location Blogs
Some film location blog sites;
www.scoutingny.com// Interesting, but he doesn’t want to share
www.iamnotastalker.com/ Hollywood and area, she doesn’t want to share either
http://thefall-locations.blogspot.it/ One film only, the Fall, but amazing locations.
silentlocations.wordpress.com/ Magnificent site on Keaton, Chaplin and Lloyd
locationhttp://blog.moviefone.com/2011/07/12/the-10-most-dangerous-film-locations-ever/s. interesting, but I’m sure you could make your own list
dirtyharryfilminglocations.wordpress.com/ Again, only one film, but in depth
http://philmfotos.tumblr.com/press. Really splendid way of superimposing stills over the real location
http://dearoldhollywood.blogspot.it/2012/09/kiss-them-for-me-1957-film-locations.html. Excellent series of then and now comparisons for Hollywood films.
And many more if you key in….. film location blogs.
Let us know what you find, those you like, and those you don’t
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