Tuesday, November 04, 2014


Nina Cangdon has just brought to our attention a project she has recently finished with Paris based filmmaker Paco Zamora, who has previously worked on different documentaries in France, South America as well as here in the U.K. The video "FilmTripping" is very "ReelStreets" but just a little more. It invites film lovers and travellers to discover the City of Light (Paris) through seven films set in Paris, showing the locations where some of the scenes were set, from the perspective of someone who explores Paris for the first time. It moves from touristic Trocadéro to the bohemian and still undiscovered Belleville, with the objective of connecting spectators with the magic of the cinema. The video, approximately two and a half minutes long can be viewed at:

FilmTripping Paris by Expedia

It is perhaps no coincidence that Nina finished the project to coincide with the launch of the annual French Film Festival in the U.K., full details of which can be found at:


Over 40 UK premieres are to be shown in 11 major locations across the U.K. between the 7th November and the 7th December.

Monday, November 03, 2014

More film locations spotted.

Sharp eyes and perhaps some "local knowledge" have provided us with answers to the following:

Psychomania 000, 009 and 010 - Julian Easton :
Fiend Without a Face 014 - Julian Easton :
Give My Regards to Broad Street 002, 003 and 016 - Paul Linton :
The Fast Lady what appears to be many studio shots - Mike Garfield :
That Kind of Girl 008 and 009 - Francesca Nardelli :

Thank you all

The British Council Film Collection

John has stumbled across the intriguing archive material of 120 short documentary films made by The British Council during the 1940's. They were designed to show the world how Britain lived, worked and played. They are all interesting, especially for "Senior Citizens" but John has highlighted the one entitled "London 1942" that includes an uncredited Bill Owen (at 08:45), most famous for his portrayal of the character 'Compo' in Last of the Summer Wine. This is apparently the second-oldest footage of him.

View it at http://film.britishcouncil.org/london-1942

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Film Location - UPDATE

More sharp eyes and a desire to help has resulted in the following locations being identified:

Blackout blk011 -Clive Turner :
On the Fiddle oft004 - Tony Hagon :
Tales from the Crypt 011 to 016 - Alan Hoare :
Room at the Top 044 to 046 - Andrew Lee :
Lucky Jim 021 and 023 - Mike Hitchen :

Thank you all.

Wednesday, October 08, 2014

Film Locations – UPDATE

Partly as a result of me having the temerity to leave my desk and take a break and partly as a result of the amount of information that we have been sent, this list is longer than usual but that is the way we like it. Thank you all for your interest and contribution(s).

Fast Lady, The 000a and 000b – Rob Beckwith :
Secret Place, The 014a and 014b – Clive Turner :
Villain 013 – Mary Nelson :
On the Beat 005 – Rob Beckwith :
Ragman’s Daughter, The 030, 031 and 056 – Mike Bunker :
I was Monty’s Double 037 – Mary :
Birth of the Beatles 007, 008 and 009 – Neil Rigby :
Tales That Witness Madness 011 and 012 – Steve Cook :
Blue Lamp, The 048 and 049 – Alan Bowden :
Angry Silence, The 031 – Rob Beckwith :
Carry On Camping 026 – Nick Dellow :
Crowded Day, The 012, 013 and 014 – Patrick Brown :
Work is a Four Letter Word 015 – Bernard Harris :
Night Train to Murder Various – Steve Cook :
So Well Remembered 018a, 018b and 018c – Dave Martin :
Ladykillers, The 022 – Greg Tingey :
Mrs Brown You’ve Got a Lovely Daughter 020-023 – Steve Cook :
39 Steps, The (1959) 002e – Graham Shewan :

Saturday, October 04, 2014

FILM: So Well Remembered - 1948

Maurice Mottershead, a Maxonian (a man of Macclesfield) has spent much time with this film and has helped us both with locations and information relating to them. He has also provided some more up to date NOW shots as well as some personal ingredient regarding the locations. All this can be found in an article that can be accessed from the film page heading.
During his time with the film Maurice has highlighted that there is one unknown location in the film that appears a number of times and he has called it, ‘Location A’, assuming that this is a location and not a film set. Maurice seeks the help of anyone with a knowledge of Macclesfield and proposes the following:-
The ‘T’ junction between Nicholls Close, assuming this is not fictitious, (swr034) and an unknown road forms two corners; a pub called The Miners Arms is on one corner and The Browdley & District Guardian newspaper office is on the other. The film either side of swr019 clearly shows the pub is called The Miners Arms and also shows a steeple behind (which can just be seen in swr019). The area behind the pub looks like a churchyard. If anyone knows the location of The Miners Arms then we will know the location of many of the scenes in this film.

He states that ‘Location A’ occurs in the film at (time stamp hh:mm:ss): (00:02:12) (swr001a and swr001b), (00:03:05), (00:03:19), (00:08:37), (00:29:22) (swr019), (00:34:35), (00:44:22), (00:45:42), (00:49:31), (00:58:19) (swr034 and swr035), (01:12:37), (01:15:18), (01:48:40), (01:48:51).

Tuesday, September 09, 2014

Film Locations Recently Identified

In recent weeks we have been overwhelmed with “Now” shots, information, personal  stories as well as location identifications, for all of which, we reiterate our thanks. We are greatly rewarded by the interest that the Site continues to stimulate.

As always, we like to highlight those locations that have been identified but are not necessarily apparent to all unless one is following a particular film, so here are some of those more recently advised to us.

Man Who Haunted Himself  023 – Andrew Lees :
East of Ipswich 005/6 –John Hanley :
Fourth Protocol 072 – Rob Beckwith :
Taste of Honey 006b – Richard Lysons :
I was Monty’s Double 037 - Molly

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Location Information Update

We really appreciate the steadily increasing interest that the Site seems to be enjoying, not only from within the UK but from other parts of the Globe which all helps to fill those elusive "Unknown Locations" gaps. Recently, many of those contacting us have, or been able to, support their information with at least Google Images but two recent pieces of information lay hidden within the screen grabs.

Nick Hart recognised Morgan, a suitable Case for Treatment 049 and 050 as White Lodge in Richmond Park, home of The Royal Ballet School. Nick lived there as a child and one of his earliest memories is the hammer and sickle being laid on lawn and has just acquired a copy of the DVD to go down memory lane. Now it is identified all we need is someone to visit and take those shots.

By coincidence, another Nick (Cooper) tracked down O'Lucky Man! 037 to Tottenham Court Road underground station, now under serious redevelopment due to Crossrail. His support Website references can be seen with that screen shot.

Thanks to you both for solving those locations.