Jaipur Film Festival
World’s growing fastest film festival
4th Jaipur International Film Festival
January 27-31, 2012, Jaipur, India
Film entry submission for JIFF 2012- Last date for film submission:
For Short / Documentary / Animation Now late deadline: 15 November, 2011
For Feature Film / World Premiere
Regular deadline: 15 November, 2011 late deadline: 30 November, 2011
Website: www.jiffindia.org
FOR ONLINE SUBMISSION: https://www.withoutabox.com/login/9490
Jaipur International Film Festival
And, if you do contact them please remind them that they STILL haven’t made a link to us.
image from www.soldierssoldiers.com

Labels: film induced tourism, film location, film site, india, jaipur, setting