Location Information Update
We really appreciate the steadily increasing interest that the Site seems to be enjoying, not only from within the UK but from other parts of the Globe which all helps to fill those elusive "Unknown Locations" gaps. Recently, many of those contacting us have, or been able to, support their information with at least Google Images but two recent pieces of information lay hidden within the screen grabs.
Nick Hart recognised Morgan, a suitable Case for Treatment 049 and 050 as White Lodge in Richmond Park, home of The Royal Ballet School. Nick lived there as a child and one of his earliest memories is the hammer and sickle being laid on lawn and has just acquired a copy of the DVD to go down memory lane. Now it is identified all we need is someone to visit and take those shots.
By coincidence, another Nick (Cooper) tracked down O'Lucky Man! 037 to Tottenham Court Road underground station, now under serious redevelopment due to Crossrail. His support Website references can be seen with that screen shot.
Thanks to you both for solving those locations.