..then and now....

Film Brief Encounter
Station Parade Beaconsfield

Same Street Now
Dear, ………..hopefully, ………..nostalgic enthusiast,
Ref: ReelStreets, identifiable film/movie locations using……………… real streets
I am writing to advise you and your readers of the launch of a series of booklets which will have the following interesting properties;
Pocket size and inexpensive,
Nostalgic, personalised and/or localised film themes
Completely new, and relatively unexplored, or exploited, “genre”
These booklets will be produced from “then” still shots taken from old films/movies which have our favourite actors in shot, which will be compared to “now” shots showing the social and architectural changes that have been made in the intervening years.
The book subject could be one complete film and its locations, it could be one actor / director / author and all the locations used in their films, it could be one specific area / town or county concentrating on the films and movies made there, or it could be just historical eras.
There are thousands of films already made and hundreds of new films being made each year, attracting newer and younger audiences, who are the potentially ongoing customers for years to come.
Should you be seriously interested in this project you might like to spend time on our website www.reelstreets.com, and then if you have more questions email me on
jon@technet.it, or phone on 0039 075 930 2428