locations for The Servant etc
How kind of you to write;
Hi there
just browsing & came across your fascinating web site - London-spotting, particularly in 60s films, is one of my interests
fyi it's not Paddington in The Servant (it wouldn't be as Sarah Miles character is coming down from "the north") at http://www.reelstreets.com/servant.htm - it's St Pancras which still looks just as it did then - also I presume the concourse is St Pancras
..................I was told that Pic 6 was Paddington, but as you correctly point out Pic 11 is St Pancras, my error. Thanks for the correction
shots 7 & 8 are Lowndes St in Belgravia
................I've always fancied Craven Terrace area, near Lancaster Gate myself. We'll have to wait for the photographic evidence
also the so-called country house (not pictured) is actually Chiswick House - sorry I've been huge fan of this film for over 20 years & even (sadly!) know buts of the script by heart!!
.............and Chiswick House, which is in West London near the area where Darling was filmed
turning to another of my favourites - you have answered some of my location questions re Darling (http://www.reelstreets.com/darling.htm) - I can provide a photo of the Glass Building (15) as it was c1995 before demolition -
...............that would be good, thanks
I've always assumed 17 was Green Park tube station (which is adjacent to the other end of Bond St)
....................yes, but evidence?
I see people thought the location in Darling for Bogarde & Christie's early trysts was Chiswick but it wasn't - interestingly,
...............do you mean pics 10 -14? Strand on the Green Chiswick? So if it wasn't, where was it?
the external location of Dirk Bogarde's home in Victim (1961) really was Chiswick by the river (Victim is a v location-full film)
............yes, its on our list, some of the pics have been taken ...................BUT, time, time, time
hope that's of use
.................yes, thankyou so much, it all adds a piece to the jigsaw.
- do you really provide £10 for each photo?
................have I lied to you before?
might be worth my while doing a bit of photo-journalism on that basis...
................it might just
...............Best wishes to you, and thanks again. ................John Tunstill